Hey readers! So it's been like a month since I've blogged! I have just been SO SO busy lately! The month started with a family trip to Denver, CO.! It was soooo beautiful and very very cold there! Lily was acting very skiddish, and scared of many activities we were doing because every single thing around her was just completely different from where we're from! It had snowed the night before we landed, FIRST snow of the season, praise God for this because without the kids would have been greatly disappointed. They spent most of each day searching for new places to sled driving through tunnels, around and up mountains to find the fresh, deep snow. This ultimately meant "the Bean" would have to wear her snowsuit, and was not a fond thing for her. TOTALLY forgot to mention when I said "family trip" I mean my small three person family and my husband's father, stepmother and their two children, 11 & 14. The 11 year old is a girl, Becky, and she loves the bean almost as much as I do. When we take the bean to their house, Becky watches her the entire time, and even changes diapers! She's amazing with her and we are blessed that she helps us so much because otherwise grandpa would have a hard time helping and watching his granddaughter! She was able to stay in at the hotel while the hub and I enjoyed a nice few hours alone. Lets face it, vacay with baby is NOT a vacay for the rents! lol buuut we love showing our babybean the wonderful world God created for her to live in and love! It was amazing watching her gaze away at the mountains and scenery just in complete awe, and teaching her about the mountains, caves, and SNOW!!! We will definitely take a mommy and daddy trip back for some skiing for mommys birthday in January and I CAN.NOT.WAIT!!!
On to talking about the bean milestones for 26 mos.!
She is the most polite 2 year old I've ever seen, not even exaggerating. She says "Tankyou mama" for EVERYTHING! Juice, diaper changes, when I clean up her spills. Makes it all the more rewarding!!! I am also amazed that she brings her finished cups and plates to the sink when she's finished with them! She says all sorts of sentances. Can sing 50% of her A,B,C,'s clearly, and almost 90% on 1-10! She is just SO bright! Potty training has come full circle and is now at a standstill she is attatched to her "elmo" diapers.
She loves her veggies just as much as ever, and is a pretty good eater! Her two's are going pretty smoothly so far, she has been very logical so to say and I've been able to negotiate with her very well lately! Fingers crossed maybe it was the 18 mos to 2 yrs old that was the hard part for her!
She is a tomboy, and refuses to wear dresses most of the time, but mommy forces her into them from time to time...well negotiates ;o)
She loooves to sing and will break out with twinkle twinkle, old macdonald, the abcs, or some toddler opera that she makes up as she goes!
We've spent the rest of the month at home catching up on cleaning and organizing and prepping for a garage sale we are planning on having in a couple weeks! My brother in law and myself cleaned my ENTIRE two car garage the other day and what a feeling of accomplishment I felt afterwards! I was going to take a picture of all of the wheelbarrow loads IIII single handedly pushed out and lined up down the curb, but driverbys stopped and have already taken over half of what was out there. Funny because in my eyes, it was COMPLETE and utter trash butttt whatevs!
Well I think that's plenty for now, it's halloween weekend and we will be very busy, I am so excited! Tomorrow afternoon I will be going to the children's museum as they will have haloween activities there, Friday I will be going to a carnival at the Elementary school that Lily's aunt attends. Saturday we areeee.... uh, pumpkin patching and going to zoo boo with a ton of friends (SUPER duper excited for that one lol) annnnd sunday we will be at a halloween fest in the woodlands! Monday is super planned with a trunk or treat at church and then a friends' party! Gosh, I should just go to bed now just thinking about it lol! Later Tators!
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