We took the bean bowling today with her cousin and uncle, and let me say it was a big hit!! She loved waiting for her turn, and then getting all of the attention for her two shots at it! She could actually carry the ball herself, scared me to death, but it was much easier for her to just push it "granny style". We went to 300 lanes in Memorial, and it was nice, but we had to wait for an entire hour before the lanes were ready. Who knew they stop and do mid day cleaning on a busy saturday afternoon with a hall full of anxious bowlers, but yes we made it through, and had a great time!!! It was SO expensive though, 5 bowlers and shoes a hundred bucks! Needless to say this will be a special activity for us to do maybe two or three times a year!!!
p.s. toddler sized bowling shoes are just about the cutest thing ive ever ever seen! Pics to come soon!
p.p.s. TOMORROW i will be childless and going wild at the Renn fest and i can.not.wait! We are totally renting costumes and doing hair and accessories and makeup!! and funnest of all is its roman weekend and that means togas!!!!!!! yes, i am so so so excited!!!
for now i will go finish beauty and the beast with my little beau!!!! Happy snuggling guys!!
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