This thought is genious, and makes keeping the house straight practically effortless. I have struggled with piles of crap building up everywhere and a lack of organization, and have finally found a tool I can use to help me with that, and maybe you too!! She has made lists and lists of things that should be accomplished throughout the day, but in small spurts, and encourages breaks!!! WOW is this the way I need it to be lmao. Breaks are great, but the "breaks" are most useful to change the activity for the little hawk who's circling my clean floor (with freshly made chocolate covered strawberries in hand unfortanately!). LOL... It started with small steps each day adding something easy to do.. 1 is shine your sink.. really? thats it? DONE! and ill say, my kitchen looks twice as clean all the time by simply drying my sink after use. I'm not losing my mind I know I can not prevent messes. It's gunna happen, I'm gunna clean it, and that's how it's gunna be...thank God for FLYlady, at least I can now look at this as effortless(endless cleaning)! Go check her site out,!
I made fudge last evening, the chocoholic of the group LOVED this activity and has been downing it be the spoonful!! Needless to say this is a once a year activity, and all I can do is hope she doesn't get chocolate fever...or a tummy ache from the stuff! I added too much marshmallow cream and it is more like icecream fudge than, hard, typical fudge...oops, still SUPER yummy and easy for strawberry dipping!!
I've had to back out of playdates lately and I miss everyone of Lilys usual playgroupers and moms!!!!! Every single place that we go in the car she repeats her little friends names over and over hoping that will convince me to take her to them, its heartbreaking! Things just keep coming up and we havent made it to any in the last few days :o( I did however get Lily all up to date with the doc until next fall!!! We were in the room and Lily heard children being picked off one by one, and suddenly a new kid would start shrieking for dear life every minute or so. It was horrible. She had NO idea what was coming but could feel that it was going to be bad. She is getting to be too smart for me! She was also looking throughout the office for her friend that she looks for while we're in the car, it is true separation anxiety! I think she thought maybe the friend would come around the corner to save her lmao! So here's the stats for 2 yrs old:: 27lbs-(60th%)::34.5in. tall (75th%)To me doctors visits are a big deal.. I feel like the doctor is the only true "judge" of how I'm doing as a parent..and visits to him are like end of year finals... you know you're going to pass, you just don't know if you're going to get a curveball or exactly how well you'll do, just nervous! Luckily this "final" is a clear and obvious pass or fail... well to fail would be a tragic horrible fail... and yes well, clearly we passed with flying colors! lol. i just hate doctors. the end.
I made a meatloaf today that was mushy like sloppy joes...that right there is a classic example of a tragic horrible my husband ate a lone plate of instant mashed potatoes for dinner and skipped the slop!
Night girls!
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